Simple pricing policy

Free full version up to 10 store items or unlimited version for 10 € monthly*

*with annual payment

How Rental 10 helps you

Software Rental 10 easily manages rental business. It gives you an overview of profitability, customers and theirs rents. It creates rental contracts, manages your store with rental prices, wear prices or prices in case of loss and theft.


Rental contracts with the possibility of your own design and adjustments in MS Word


Customer database with contact details and an overview with rents

Price list

Management of rental prices, wear prices and prices in case of loss and theft


Overview of item profitability according to income of rents and recorded expenses


Management of rental items with the possibility of bulk import

Windows 10/11

Installation directly from the Microsoft Store and automatic updates

Download it FOR FREE!

You can download a full version of the software from the Microsoft Store. This version has all the options of the software without a time limit up to 10 items in the store.